Sunday, March 21, 2010


I hold fast the confession of my hope without waivering, because I know God is faithful to keep His promise. Hebrews 10:23

God has truely been so faithful! These past two weeks have been just crazy! Satan has attacked me from every corner, yet I am reminding DAILY of how amazing my God is :)

First, I was hit in the wrist with a line drive while pitching batting practice for my softball girls.. then I fell down about 7 stairs at the music hall in Dallas, then the guy that was supposed to detail my car did not show up- AND my tire went bad so I had to get two new tires this past thursday! Well it does not stop there...

Saturday morning I got up early and left the house to head to class at CFNI. It was about 625am and I knew it was supposed to rain. I got on the highway, said a quick and simple prayer for protection and safe travels. Well its pouring rain at this point and I slowed down my driving, not to much but just being safe. About 10 miles after getting on the high way.. I felt my car just give out from underneath me. It the highway and spun about 4 times and landed in a ditch. Let me just say.. during the whole time this was happening - I had this peace in me.. that I KNEW i would not be physically harmed in any way. I just had this knowing that my angels were protecting me, I was just waiting for the ride to end so I could get out of the ditch. As soon as my car stopped...I looked up and smiled and just thank you God.. for keeping me safe and protecting me.

The car itself took a bit of a beating. Its got quite a bit of damage, and is not drivable. Its a matter of deciding where to go from here. Its fixable, but expensive. So I am not going to get anxious. I am gonna wait on God.. he will guide my steps. I know he has provided for me in every way and he knows what my needs are. Phillipians 4:19 Tell me he will provide ALL my needs. I physically do not have the money to repair this car, nor do I really want car payments, so I am standing on the promise that God is my father, he is my provider and he told me to CAST all my cares on Him! We'll here ya go God.. its all yours!

Well through all this I had to figure out what I should do until all is figured out with my car. I still needed to get places, my dad suggested I find a rental car and get prices etc. As I am doing this I have people chekcin up on me. My pastors Wife was such a blessing to me the whole day, just giving me moral support and helping me find a mechanic etc. I talked to our worship leader to tell her there was a chance I would not be at church. Well after i hung up with her, I got a text like 3 min later that said I could use her extra car for the week! AMEN PRAISE GOD! I was so blessed by that, God was faithful and he provided a way! :) now I can have some time to just allow God to work in my life, and get things figured out. I can finish up my last week of classes at CFNI.

The joy of the Lord is truly my strength! without Him, I would not be able to get through all this! Greater is He that is IN me that he that is in the world!

I love being able to laugh in the devil's face and say "ha you lose, I am alive and well". He cannot steal my joy no matter what my circumstance is! I have absolutely NO doubt in my mind that all this will turn out just fine. Just like Romans 8:28 says.. all this will work out for GOOD :)

I give God all the glory! I LOVE YOU LORD!

With Love- In Christ:

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